Africa is known for its abundant natural resources and a unlimited variety of fruits and vegetables, from wild fruits to domestic vegetables. We have so much fruits in Africa that we some of them we do not even have English names for them, that’s how much variety we have. However, RAW FOOD is becoming increasingly common among the foodies, nutritionists, mindful eaters, food enthusiasts and medical alternative treatments. We at Veganic Food share this experience of raw food by creating amazing and delicious

  • Food articles!
  • Food gives identity!
  • Food is life!
  • Foods matter!

We are what we eat! RAW food diet in African is 100% possible and we have being providing this diet for a while here at Veganic Food. The first question that comes to peoples minds when they hear raw food is whether is even possible to live without cooked food….

Understandably so….

We as humans have evolved in many way through successful generations, and by evolution I mean how we eat and what we eat has changed over thousands of years since man stepped a foot on this God’s green planet.

Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden were given this garden to tender and care for it, and to enjoy the food which was to grow in the garden, take note; there was no stove nor hospital in that garden and this was not by mistake. God knew from creation what was the best food for humans.

So from creation we know RAW food was the only way to live, it was indeed inconceivable to even think that food could one day be heated before eaten, or add oil to it before eating it. But yet We as humans have evolved in many way through successful generations, and by evolution I mean how we eat and what we eat has changed over thousands of years since man stepped a foot on this God’s green planet.

Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden were given this garden to tender and care for it, and to enjoy the food which was to grow in the garden, take note; there was no stove nor hospital in that garden and this was not by mistake. God knew from creation what was the best food for humans.

So from creation we know RAW food was the only way to live, it was indeed inconceivable to even think that food could one day be heated before eaten, or add oil to it before eating it. But yet today it’s inconceivable that one could subsist completely on a RAW diet. Life is a cycle ..indeed. Back to our topic, is it possible to go RAW in Africa, the answer is a big YES. With the abundance and unlimited food variety on the continent, one can clearly not fail to thrive on such a diet. Of course there is need for a knowledge in nutritional science and the ART to prepare such food, once this is done, there is no limit to what you can do with raw food. This is the most satisfying journey I have experience for the past 13 years I have beem a vegan.

Veganic Food provides a service known as “VEGANIC RAW MONTH DIET” that requires one to go completely raw for a month and this believe me is the most amazing decision one can make for their health. The amount of nutrients and vitamins one receives in that whole month will detox the system from the toxic ashes left by cooked food especially flesh. Other benefits of RAW FOOD is that one gets a lot of vitamins and minerals, phytochemicals, plant compounds that may fight cancer.


A. DIGESTION – Because of the untempered nature of food, there is high fibre content in the food that facilitates a smooth digestion process

B. LIVE ENZYMES – The science of enzymes is understood by few in the medical world. Once the food is cooked, it losses it vital power through heat, this reduces or kills the enzymes, but when you eat food in its raw form, all the live enzymes are intact and the body does not need to call up extra forces of enzymes to digest the food. This is responsible for early aging of humanity and conversely so..

C. WEIGHT MANAGEMENT – We have seen with experience that weight is easy to gain but difficult to shade off, considering RAW food is the best way to reduce or maintain optimal weight. I have seen tonnes of diets that have failed terribly. Because raw diet includes food that is uncooked , unprocessed foods and 100% wholesome. I advice people to use methods of preparation that will not reduce the quality of the nutrients.

1. blending

2. dehydrating (drying up to 40 degrees Celsius)

3. juicing – using a juicer

4. soaking

5. sprouting

6. pickling

7. broths




2 thoughts on “RAW DIET IN AFRICA”

    1. Thank Roman for your kind comment yes we are passionate about Vegan food and many people love our products, you are welcome to try us.

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